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What Is a Platform?

·5 mins

Tools vs Platforms #

There’s some advice floating around on LinkedIn: “Build platforms, not tools”. I’ve been curious about what that means in the context of projects that I’m working on (Kendo, for example) - and whether the delineation between a tool and a platform is important in the early stages of building something. I decided to track down the “dictionary” definitions of each of these terms, and apply them to various products that I use.

Let's analyze a few examples to understand the difference:


  • As a tool: Allows infrastructure to be defined as code and provisioned consistently
  • As a platform: Creates an ecosystem where providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) connect with users through a common interface, with Hashicorp as the intermediary


  • As a tool: Transforms data in warehouses using SQL-based models
  • As a platform: Connects data analysts/engineers with data warehouse providers and BI tools, with an ecosystem of packages and adapters


  • As a tool: Processes payments for businesses
  • As a platform: Connects merchants, customers, and financial institutions while enabling developers to build on top via APIs

OK, so what’s a platform? #

This is the best definition of a platform that I found:

Platforms as systems connecting two or more groups together in ways benefiting both sides.

The examples provided by the author:

Shopping malls - a retail platform. Connects shoppers to retailers. For shoppers, the value is in being able to “park their cars and get their shopping done in one afternoon”. Retailers don’t have to worry about setting up parking spots, clean bathrooms, etc.

iOS and the iPhone - developer platform. For developers, writing iOS apps means distribution on the App Store, where Apple (mostly) does the job of driving customers to the App Store. For Apple, the more apps there are for the iPhone, the more the value customers get out of the iPhone. A compounding loop.

The key characteristics that distinguish platforms:
  1. Multi-sided network effects: Value increases as more participants from different sides join (e.g., more developers attract more users, which attracts more developers)

  2. Ecosystem creation: Platforms enable others to build on top of them, creating an ecosystem larger than what the platform owner could build alone

  3. Standards and governance: Platforms establish rules, standards and protocols that facilitate interaction between participants

  4. Value exchange: They facilitate value exchange between different groups (e.g., app developers and users, merchants and customers)

  5. Reduced friction: They remove barriers to interaction between groups that would otherwise find it difficult to connect at scale

What are tools? #

Tools, by contrast, are primarily designed to solve specific problems for a single user or organization:
  1. Single-purpose: Tools typically address a specific need or solve a particular problem

  2. Limited extensibility: While they may have APIs or plugins, tools aren’t primarily designed for others to build upon

  3. Direct value proposition: The value of a tool is in what it directly enables the user to do

  4. Linear growth model: Tools typically grow by adding features or acquiring more users, but don’t necessarily benefit from network effects

  5. Operational focus: Tools help users execute tasks more efficiently, rather than creating new value through connections

Examples include text editors, analytics dashboards, or productivity apps that deliver value directly to their users without requiring a network of different participants.

Business Value #

From a business perspective, the distinction between tools and platforms has profound implications:


  • Typically have more straightforward revenue models (subscriptions, licenses)
  • Usually easier to build initially and bring to market
  • Growth is often linear, requiring continuous customer acquisition
  • Value is capped by the direct utility they provide
  • Defensibility comes primarily from feature set and user experience


  • Often have more complex revenue models (take rates, subscription tiers, etc.)
  • Harder to build initially due to the “chicken and egg” problem of attracting multiple sides
  • Growth can become exponential once network effects kick in
  • Value can far exceed the platform’s direct contributions due to the ecosystem
  • Defensibility comes from network effects and switching costs

This is why investors typically value platform businesses more highly - they have the potential for exponential rather than linear growth, and their defensibility increases as they scale.

However, many successful platforms started as tools first. Slack began as an internal tool for a game company. GitHub started as a simpler way to use Git. This “tools-first” approach can be a practical way to establish value before attempting to create a multisided platform.

When to Build What #

So should you build a tool or a platform? The answer depends on your stage and context:
  1. Start with a tool if:

    • You’re solving a clear, immediate problem
    • You need to validate product-market fit quickly
    • You have limited resources
    • You want to establish value before attempting network effects
  2. Evolve toward a platform when:

    • Your tool has achieved significant adoption
    • You identify clear opportunities to connect multiple stakeholders
    • You see potential for others to build on your foundation
    • You want to create defensibility beyond your core feature set

For early-stage projects like Kendo, focusing on solving a specific problem exceptionally well as a tool may be the prudent first step. The platform aspects can evolve organically as you identify opportunities to connect different groups and enable others to build on your foundation.

Remember that the most successful platforms often mastered being a great tool first, before expanding their vision to connect multiple sides of a market.

I’ve been fortunate to work with and learn from data, product and growth leaders at companies such as InVision, CB Insights, Breather, Karbon, FreshBooks, Wealthsimple, among others. I love getting my hands dirty in helping build infrastructure to power insights and growth. I’ve helped build data teams from scratch, and I’m learning how to a better manager every day.